Wednesday, 15 April 2015

REVIEW: Benefit Gimme Brow (Medium/Dark)

I kinda bought this product on a whim really. Eyebrow products are fast becoming my favourite makeup item to buy, only slightly behind lipsticks (obviously!)

So lets cut to the chase. I really do love this product. I bought the medium/dark colour which coats every eyebrow hair generously meanwhile the super tiny brush doesn't allow for any clumping of product, which is fantastic. I've heard from other reviewers that there are tiny little fibres in this eyebrow gel, sort of like fibre mascara, which helps to make eyebrows look fuller. The colour is perfect for me on top of my Anastasia Brow Wiz however I took the comparison photos without any other eyebrow product to show you what it looks like on its own.

My bare brows

My brows with Benefit Gimme Brow in Medium/Dark
'Scuse the eyelashes! And the eyebrows too, I'm growing them out over the Easter holidays so they're all over the place. You don't realise just how full your eyebrows can be until you start leaving them alone for a while. I love a fresh start. :)

From the comparison you can see that my eyebrows look well-groomed and more shapely after using this product. They're also darker and just generally more appealing. I can tell you now that as far as longevity goes, this product keeps my eyebrows in place for longer than anything I've tried before. I have a problem with eyebrow hairs falling downwards because mine are quite thin and long and therefore gravity naturally wants them to face the floor. Nope. This really does keep them upright without feeling heavy or cakey. I'm not sure how it does it!

If you want to get your hands on it (which I would totally recommend by the way!) you can get it from the website here for £18.50

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